How it all began

“The moment I saw her in the pomping room, radiating charm and warmth, I knew—there was something undeniably special about her, something my heart recognized before my mind could catch up.”

— Scott

“I remember Scott making me simultaneously laugh and blush immediately. He was handsome and kind to myself and everyone else; so much so, that I thought he wasn’t interested in me, but apparently he was interested in me specifically, and I took a bit to realize it. I ‘m so glad I did!”

— Luci

Luci and Scott

Luci and Scott met while pomping in the Kappa Sigma Basement for the 2009 Oklahoma State Homecoming. After catching each other’s eye across the room and spending the rest of the night finding out how much they have in common. Even though college’s crazy roads caused our paths to take two different routes, they inevitability have come back together once again. Two years later, we're best friends, true loves, and badass partners in life. We're finally ready to make it official! 

And the rest is history